My Top 5 Favorite Devotionals

Top 5 Favorite Devotionals


Today, I wanted to switch up my posts and share something different with you on a more personal level. My faith and relationship with God are such an important aspect of who I am. The other week, I was listening to Joyce Meyer at Lakewood and her message was to be fearless and not focus on what we don’t know versus what we do know. It hit so close to home as many of us question, why do bad things happen to good people or why does God allow certain things to happen or in some cases, not happen.


One of the strongest takeaways was to not focus on what we don’t know, but focus on the truth of His Word. Focus on what we do know, which is all things work out together for the good for those that love God and do His will. It was such a strong message that really resonated with me. It was just the reminder that I needed. I’m sure so many other Houstonians feel the same as we are still picking up the pieces after Harvey. It led me to this post today.


One of my favorite things and something that has continuously been a resolution each year, is to have a daily devotional with God each morning. It’s easy for me to listen to a message on the way to work during my commute, but to wake up early and set aside quiet time has always been more of a challenge. I tend to read my devotional at night before bed. However, I always feel so much better when I do it in the mornings. It really sets the tone for my day. With that said, I’m sharing my top 5 favorite devotionals with you in case you are needing one.


Current Favorites:
  1. Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer
  2. Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and Doer by Jenn Sprinkle
  3. I Declare by Joel Osteen
  4. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
  5. 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs


I hope you enjoyed this post as I switched things up. Please share some of your current favorite devotionals in the comments. Would love to hear them as I’m always looking to add to my list. 


Thanks for reading! Xx